Frequently Asked Questions
General Study Questions
Toggle ItemWhere is the study taking place?At the BYU Comprehensive Clinic, located on the corner of 900 East and Birch Avenue (diagonally across from the Creamery on 9th).
Toggle ItemWhat types of data are researchers collecting?Researchers are collecting physiological data, survey data, and MRI scans.
Toggle ItemHow often do we need to come to BYU Campus?Couples need to come to the BYU Comprehensive Clinic building for a 1-2 hour introductory meeting. Each person also comes in for two 45-minute MRI scan appointments, one at the beginning and one at the end of study participation. Otherwise, couples only need to drop by the clinic for a few minutes each week.
Toggle ItemHow much time does it take outside of the BYU appointments?Each participant needs to complete a quick, 5-minute online survey every day.
Toggle ItemHow long does the study last?Data is collected from couples for approximately 5 weeks.
Toggle ItemWhere do I get the MRI?BYU MRI Research Facility on BYU Campus
Toggle ItemWho performs the MRI scan?CHAMPS project research assistants. They are graduate students in marriage and family therapy program graduate who have completed extensive training and been granted Level 3 operator access. All MRIs are performed under supervision of the MRI Research Facility staff.
Toggle ItemWhat is being scanned during the MRI?The MRI is a brain scan used to detect brain activity, know as an fMRI. For more information, click here.
Toggle ItemDoes it cost anything to get the MRI?No, it is paid for by the study.
Toggle ItemCan I get a copy of the MRI?Yes. Each spouse must provide his/her own USB drive for the files. Free DICOM viewer software, such as MicroDicom, is required to view the image files. This software is available to download for free from the internet.
Toggle ItemCompensation: How much will I get for participating in the study?Compensation is $300 per couple.
Toggle ItemCompensation: How will I receive my payment?Payment made via check, mailed to the address provided within 2-4 weeks of study completion.
Study Results
Toggle ItemWho will see the data?Only the principal investigators and their research assistants will have secured access to the data for analysis.
Toggle ItemWhere will results be used?Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. Research will also be presented at state, national and international conferences.
Toggle ItemWill my information be kept confidential?Participating couples will be assigned a case number that will link them to their survey responses, physiological data, video recording and MRI scans. Individuals will not be identified within these data sets or in any presentations or publications that use study data.
For any other question go ahead and contact us!